Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday


great day! i only had one class (Contemporary Christian Music) and it was amazing. there's so many people in the class and many of them are simply amazing musicians. we had to do one song for the gathering... and so we pulled together a band: two worship leaders (male and female), five backing vocals (all doing parts, don't worry joel), acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, piano, synth, and drums. and it was amazing... people weren't stepping on toes, it worked out well.

then i went to the ash wednesday service at st. james anglican church. the first song was the same "call to remembrance" that university choir did last year! the rest of the service was unbelievable. it was very high church and i could tell that some of the people felt uncomfortable, but i was just captivated by the power and emotion in the service.

to top off the night we went out to a karaoke place... tons of fun - as always.


started with choir - great group! there's about 80 people (it's manditory for all music majors) and there's something about those numbers that just display the majesty of God. it's not as good technically as other choirs that i'm involved in, but it was great to have that variety. (also, we're singing Lux Arumque and All that hath life and breath praise ye the lord! - Rick, i'm hearing our songs everywhere!)

then came seven hours of homework - on the same assignment

I also got to talk to Caitie and Joel and Jonathan and Charm (charm, what's your maiden name? Dr. DJ and i were talking and i couldn't remember)... it was quite good.

then orchestra... i'd never played alto clef on trombone before. bass clef, tenor clef, treble clef, yes... alto, no... it was an adventure.

all in all, two great days...

another one tomorrow


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