Friday, February 20, 2009

orientation over

so I've had a few very full days of orientation...

immensely fun, full days, but full nonetheless.

and as a final, unofficial part of the orientation, several of us decided to check out the local music/nightlife scene. it's very interesting how a club here is not all about drinking... it's about having a good time with friends. us ASC students are not allowed to drink, yet the fact that none of us had any alcohol was not out of place. there were some interesting times though. i never felt that i would be a trend-setter on the dance floor, let alone in a foreign country. and yet it took my friend Lindy and me to start any dancing...

soon the floor was full.

don't believe it? i didn't either.

today's been great so far. after a home-cooked pancake breakfast, my roommate Ty and our house-mom Jo went into town to do some grocery shopping. what an adventure! even stores that we have back home such as Aldi's are very different here.

no plans for the rest of the day... maybe a movie at one of the host family's houses. but tomorrow, Sydney Congress Hall.

should be fun. Ty's coming too.


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