Saturday, January 31, 2009


If anyone is interested... you could print out a copy of this poster and hang it somewhere (school, office, church, wherever)

but only if you promise to pray for me whenever you see it



Friday, January 30, 2009

it won't be long

I've now finished all my paperwork, and all the logistics between now and when I leave. I booked my flight to LA, and I have someone to stay with once I get there!

Now I just need to get through my last big event before I leave... Angels of Harmony at my church on Sunday...

I can't wait.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It's amazing how anticipation can simultaneously be the best and worst thing ever. i'm looking forward to my adventures down under immensely! and yet i find myself wondering... will all the travel go well? will my host family's kids like me? will i make some terrible culture gaffe? will i be able to keep up with my studies in the excitement of a new place and new friends?

so many questions.

but ready or not, here it comes.

February 16th I leave behind all that is familiar and move on to another adventure.

let's hope that it's just as good as the others.
